Have you ever had your licence plates stolen? Although they seem like such a small thing to go missing, they can bring about a large amount of headaches. When replacing your stolen licence plates, it’s not only a need of paying the plate replacement fee. There are many more things you need to do and although they may not have any costs involved, they are things that will absorb a lot of your time. Before going any further, lets first look at why thieves like to go after licence plates.
Why licence plates?
There are many reasons that thieves seek licence plates, but the top three are as follows:
- Thieves can use your plates for filling up at the petrol station and driving off before paying
- They can use your plates on stolen cars so that the cars don’t appear stolen
- Thieves can also use your plates to drive through tolls without having to pay
Process of reporting stolen plates?
If your plates are stolen, report them! Try to do this straight away so the police can begin trying to locate them. Once you’ve reported them as stolen, you will need to go to VIC Roads and pay for replacement plates. You should also notify your toll tag provider (if you have an account with them) and also your insurance company. There are a lot of things that you need to ensure that you do, and it will take a few hours. It’s something you need to do, but it is also something that could have been avoided with a simple investment of a few dollars.
How to avoid having your licence plates stolen?
It’s very a simple actually and it won’t cost you more than a few dollars. Simply go to your local hardware store and purchase some one-way screws. These screws will allow you to tighten them down, but they won’t allow you to unscrew them. Although this solution is fast and cheap, it is also really effective. It’s definitely not thief-proof, but you will delay the time it takes for someone to steal your plates.
For any more questions on keeping your plates safe or anything related to automobile security, feel free to call Five Star Locksmiths, the Melbourne locksmith professionals on 1800 348 378.