A lot of the time, cars are broken into because a thief sees something they like when passing by. To you, it may not even seem that valuable, but to them it is. By reducing the amount of personal items you have visible in the car, you are also reducing the chance of it being broken into. Below, we’ve put together a few tips for improving Car Safety.

Car Safety - Five Star Locksmiths

1. Don’t Leave Items Lying Around

As we were saying above, be sure to either hide or remove all expensive items from your car. When considering if you should just hide your items under a towel or blanket, don’t. Thieves may be wiser than they appear. By leaving bulky items in the car, hidden by clothing or towels, you are increasing the possibility that a thief will want in.

2. Hide all cables

Although it doesn’t seem like a big deal, if you have hidden your GPS, but the cable to charge it is still connected, a thief is going to know that there could very well be a GPS hidden within that car. The same rules apply for external Bluetooth devices and drone battery chargers. Hide them all, and don’t leave them within plain sight.

3. Don’t leave gaps in your windows

Even though you may be popping into the shops for 5 minutes, and it’s a 40° C day outside, it is all the time a thief needs. You should therefore ensure that all your windows are wound-up properly.

4. Avoid parking in areas that don’t have security cameras

In some train stations, they may only have security cameras at the front of the car park. If possible, do your best to park as close to these cameras as possible. The closer to a camera you are, the more chance you have of deterring a thief. Although this won’t guarantee they won’t attempt to break into your car, you can definitely reduce the chances.

So there you have it. These are our tips for helping to improve car safety! If you can think of any more ways to help improve car safety, feel free to drop us a message or a comment.


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