Deadlocks offer outstanding security when used in right way and on the right doors. But they can also lead to problematic, even dangerous situations.
Over summer one of our team members was called out to a commercial premises to rectify such a situation – when deadlocks cause more harm than good.
In this particular premises there were deadlocks on the bathroom doors. An employee in the building had gone to the bathroom and shut the door behind her – not realising that in the process she was inadvertently deadlocking herself inside!
Unfortunately she had no mobile phone on her and the bathroom was not used by anyone else on that day.
She spent a very stressful and very long 12 hours alone in that bathroom, banging on the door and yelling – trying to attract attention.
Eventually somebody heard her but they couldn’t get her out straight away, as they didn’t have access to keys. That deadlock was doing its job – no getting in or out – just on the wrong person and in a very inappropriate way.
We were called out and swiftly got the lock and door open, to meet a very relieved and exhausted person.
Deadlocks should never be installed in areas where:
- ordinary and frequent passage is required
- doors auto close or auto lock
- people may close doors, not suspecting they will lock
- there is no clear and easy access to a key or other exit point
If you are in charge of a business or premises where staff, visitors or the public come and go you need be especially careful about where you install deadlocks.
Any questions or uncertainties – give us a call at Five Star Locksmiths. We can advise you about the best level of security for your premises and how to secure it so that the building and contents are safe, and so are the people!
For locksmith services of any kind, get in touch for fast, efficient, reliable and friendly locksmiths: 1800 348 378.