When searching for a locksmith on Google, a lot of people will generally click on the first result that appears. Upon clicking, many don’t realise that this could potentially be a costly mistake. A company’s position in the Google search results does not dictate if it is reputable or not. A way to help with this though is through using Google reviews. This is how you should be checking if you have a REAL locksmith.
What is a REAL Locksmith?
A REAL Locksmith is one that has the qualifications, insurance and team to perform the jobs given them. A REAL Locksmith is not one that doesn’t have any experience, history or insurance. By using a fully qualified, Master Locksmith, you can ensure that you are in good hands.
Why do Google Reviews help?
Google Reviews are great for seeing that quality and reliability of any company. Although reviews can be rigged, if a company has multiple reviews that don’t appear to be written by the one person, they can generally be a great guide.
Fake locksmiths, or scam-artists, have been using the power of their position in Google to take advantage of unsuspecting customers. A lot of the time, these ‘locksmiths’ will give an unrealistically low quote for a job. Upon arriving to the job site, this quote will then go up significantly due to ‘unforseen complications at the site’. These ‘locksmiths’ are not out to deliver a service that benefits their customers. They are setup to make money and not deliver a high-standard service.
What to do if you find a scam?
Report them! Report them to Google HERE or to the ACCC HERE. With enough reports, we can hopefully see action taken in reducing the amount of fake locksmiths that seem to be plaguing the internet.
To see more about locksmith scam-artists, have a read of our blog here – Cheap Locksmiths in Melbourne – How to avoid the scam.