At Five Star Locksmiths Melbourne, we always have your safety as a priority. Whether it’s ensuring your home is protected from intruders or keeping your health and well-being in mind while making a home visit, your security is at the forefront of everything we do. So in the midst of the current pandemic, regardless of if we’re visiting your home during the middle of the night or the typical workday, our locksmiths are taking additional steps to ensure the safety of your family and employees. Read below for ways our locksmiths in Melbourne are keeping you and your loved ones safe.
Social Distancing for Mobile Locksmiths in Melbourne
Previously, when you required locksmith servicing, it was likely a matter of letting the locksmith into your home before heading off to work for the day. Or, perhaps they had to let themselves in while you were away at work and you never actually met them or introduced yourselves. With the current climate, chances are you will now be working from home alongside our locksmith. In keeping with the social distancing guidelines, our mobile locksmiths will maintain their distance while working within your residence or commercial business. This means no longer shaking hands and maintaining at least a 1.5-metre distance between you.
Locksmiths Wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Our team of mobile locksmiths take any and every effort to protect you and keep you safe in your home. Beyond the social distancing guidelines, our locksmiths wear the proper equipment to keep both you and them safe. Proper equipment includes gloves, masks, or glasses as deemed necessary. This also involves taking the proper precautions with hand washing and hand sanitizer. These steps are both for the safety of you as a homeowner or tenant as well as our team of locksmiths.
Pricing of Locksmiths in Melbourne
Emergencies may happen, lockout situations still occur, and you may even discover some old or ineffective locks. These are all situations that require locksmith assistance to protect your residence or commercial business. We want to assure you that despite the additional equipment and steps we are taking to keep you safe, pricing remains the same. Our goal to protect you and your family does not change, nor does our prices. We will continue to offer our Emergency and mobile locksmith services to you, with the same hours and rates applying as before. If you would like to take a look at our prices that apply, click here.
Beyond all of this, our quality of work and services on offer remain the same. All of our mobile locksmith services in Melbourne continue to be offered, with additional precautions taken to keep both your family and our locksmiths safe. If you have any further questions about how we can protect your residence or commercial business, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our expert team is always happy to assist. Call us on 1800 348 378 or leave us a message HERE.