Fitting door closers is one of areas of speciality. I wanted to write this week about just how important correct installation is and making sure you have the right door closer for the right job.
I shudder when we go to a school or a child care centre around Melbourne and see door closers that have been installed by a handyman or a non professional. So often the door is slamming, or totally out of adjustment. I just think: What if that was one of my little ones fingers that could be jammed in a slamming door of an incorrectly fitted door closer? It can be super dangerous.
Door closers are definitely a specialised product and they really need to be fitted by a professional.
The reason there is so much room for error is because there are so many door closers that can be installed – choice overwhelm! – but there is generally only one correct product and only one way to fit it.
We spend many hours re fitting door closer that are incorrectly fitted, fitted upside down, inside out and mostly the incorrect size.
Door closers need to be installed to meet the manufacturer’s specification and also installed with the supplied fitting instruction or template.
There are pneumatic door closer, hydraulic door closers, transom door closers, floor springs, fire rated door closers, door closers with delay action for disability areas, hold open door closers. The list goes on and they are all designed for their specific need and purpose. Door closers are rated generally in newton metre of strength and are generally between 2- 6 newton metres in strength.
So which one is the right door closer for your needs?
- Height, weight and width as well as door thickness and what the door is constructed of – all needs to be a major consideration.
- What building codes does it need to meet?
- Is it in a high traffic area?
- What does the door open out onto?
The list of question keep going and that’s why it’s really best to leave it up to a trained and experienced specialist. Get the job done right first time. It will save you time and money in the long run.
So for any queries about installing a door closer or fixing an existing door closer, please call us at Five Star Locksmiths 1800 348 378