Sometimes we get a run of specific requests and of late it’s been people locking keys in their car.

Most modern cars are designed so you can’t lock your keys inside. But it is still a fairly common occurrence to accidentally lock keys in the boot or trunk of a car. And also, if you have an older car – that doesn’t require the key to lock it externally – you can find yourself in this situation. So, here’s a few tips about what to do when it happens and also prevent it happening again!

1. Who else owns a key to your car?

In frustration and panic we can often forget the most obvious thing. Your spouse, partner or another family member or friend might have a key to your car. Or you might have a spare one in a safe place at home.

Stop for a moment before you do anything else and do whatever is necessary to get that spare key.

2. Is it urgent that you get into the car?

By urgent we mean is there immediate danger such as a child or animal locked in the car, especially if it is a hot day or they are distressed.

In this case we recommend you call emergency roadside assistance – if you have such a membership. In case of severe emergency these companies will also often contact general emergency services (such as fire brigade and ambulance) for you. Check when you speak with the operator.

If you don’t have such a membership, you should call emergency services yourself.


3. Your judgement – roadside assistance or mobile locksmith

Roadside assistance will get you into the vehicle. So if you are certain the key is inside this is a good option.

However they cannot issue you with a new key. So if the key is stuck somewhere (eg: broken off in the ignition) or you can’t find it, then you will need to call a mobile locksmith.


4. Transponder and remote keys 

All modern cars have transponder or remote keys. This means the key (or remote fob that operates the locks) is coded uniquely to your vehicle.

Many people think they need to get this transponder or remote replaced by the car manufacturer or dealership. In fact, most mobile locksmiths are able to duplicate these kinds of micro-chipped keys.

One of the drawbacks of these kinds of keys is that the batteries can run out – on some models – without warning. If your transponder is built into the key this is fine, you should just be able to unlock the car manually with the key itself. If you are using a remote fob and the ignition key is separate – you will either need to replace the batteries or, if time will not allow you to go battery shopping you will need assistance from a locksmith to gain entry to the car.


5. Think long term!

We advise against breaking into your car or doing any kind forced entry that could cause long term damage. This can be very costly.

A mobile locksmith can come to you, get you into the car and even provide replacement keys if your existing key is damaged or lost.

Our mobile team is fast and friendly and we offer reasonable rates. So if you – and your key – are really stuck and you are in Melbourne CBD or Melbourne suburbs, call

1800 348 378.


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