It’s just a quick pop to the shop. You only plan on grabbing milk and eggs, so you don’t even bother grabbing the reusable shopping bags. And your credit card is now connected to your phone anyways – quick and easy.
When you return to the house, you pat down your pockets for your keys. You realise you must have put your keys in your bag – the same bag you decided you wouldn’t need for a quick shop and left on the kitchen counter instead.
What are your best options to get back inside your house without causing any damage to your home security?
First: Are there any other unlocked doors to the house?
Did you take the bins out this morning via the side door and forget to lock that door again? Or maybe the garage with the oft-overlooked door that you never remember to lock after coming back in the house.
Go around the house and make sure there are no doors (or windows!) that you may have left ajar or unlocked.
Does anyone else have keys to your house?
Mum or dad, son or daughter, grandma or grandpa? Old housemates, ex-partners?
Whether you gave them a key to water your plants while you were on holiday or if you didn’t know what to do with your spare key – run through the options of who might have an extra key to your home.
It’s a good idea to give someone you trust a spare key in the event something like this happens. And if you’re renting, the property manager or landlord has surely had experience with previous tenants running into the same issue and will be able to help you out.
Call a Professional Locksmith Out
After exhausting the two quickest and easiest solutions to get back inside on your own, you may be tempted to try to jimmy your own lock to get back inside – but it’s important that you refrain from doing this.
By trying to break into your own home, you run the risk of damaging the lock. This not only could mean further expenses to now get it unlocked, but you also risk the integrity of the lock itself, thus compromising the security of your home.
When it comes to unlocking your door, it’s best to call the professionals. When you call us, know that our locksmiths are spread out across the larger Melbourne area. This means we’re never too far away and can get you back inside your home in no time.
But this isn’t the first time this has happened….
If you have a self-locking door or just tend to forget your keys on a regular basis – there are other options. Keyless entry is becoming more popular and allows you to unlock your door with either a passcode, key, or sometimes a phone app.
Alternatively, if you have trustworthy neighbours or nearby family and friends, you also may want to consider leaving a key with them in the case of future emergencies.
And if these options are exhausted or you prefer to trust the professionals, our 24/7 Locksmith Services are available any time of the day or night. If you find yourself stuck in a similar situation, call our expert team of locksmiths at 1800 348 378 or leave an enquiry on our contact page.
Our locksmiths are happy to discuss the option of fitting and installing a high quality and secure key safe to the outside of your home – so you won’t be locked outside again!